State Department issues Level 3 advisory for travel to Israel

More than a  thousand individuals  have lost their lives, and thousands more have been wounded following an  unprecedented attack  by Hamas militants originating from Gaza into Israel on Saturday, as reported by Israeli authorities.

The Israeli Defense Forces have announced a “state of alert for war,” in a statement released early Saturday morning.

As of Thursday, the Israeli Health Ministry has reported a  death toll of at least 1,200 , with an additional  2,900 individuals injured  within Israel. Meanwhile, in Gaza, the situation is equally dire, with  1,417 casualties , including  447 children and 248 women , resulting from Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes. The Palestinian Health Ministry indicates that roughly  6,268 others are injured  in Gaza.

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Level 3 travel advisory to Israel, West Bank

On Wednesday, the U.S. State Department raised its elevated its advisory for travel for  Israel and the West Bank  to a  Level 3 , urging travelers to ” reconsider travel ” due to concerns related to “terrorism and civil unrest.” Notably, the department has issued a  “do not travel” advisory for Gaza  due to the prevailing conditions.

Is travel to Israel suspended?

The  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  maintains its advisory for U.S. airlines and pilots, emphasizing the need for  caution  when flying within  Israeli airspace .

On Saturday, the FAA issued a  Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM)  to pilots, which included a reference to a “potentially hazardous situation” and advised operators to  exercise extreme caution .

In an updated NOTAM released on Tuesday, the FAA clarified that there are  currently no restrictions  for  United States certificated airmen  or operators regarding operations into or out of Israel.

Additionally, the  European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)  released a  Conflict Zone Information Bulletin (CZIB)  for Israeli airspace on Sunday. EASA recommended that air operators ensure they have a  robust risk assessment  in place, coupled with a  high level of contingency planning  for their operations. They should also be prepared for  short-notice instructions  from Israeli authorities.

Which airlines have canceled flights?

 Major U.S. airlines  and several foreign carriers have, as of Thursday morning,  halted their services to and from Israel . However, a number of airlines, including the Israeli flag carrier  El Al , are still operating flights.

 American Airlines  has canceled its flights to and from Tel Aviv up to December 4, with the airline noting that they are closely monitoring the situation and will make any necessary adjustments.

 Delta Air Lines  has suspended flights to and from Tel Aviv until the end of October, expressing sympathy for those affected and working to find secure alternatives for departing passengers.

 United Airlines  has indicated that its flights to and from Tel Aviv will remain suspended until conditions permit their resumption.

 Air Canada  has canceled several flights to and from Tel Aviv up to Friday.

As for  European airlines ,  Air France  has suspended flights to Tel Aviv “until further notice,” while  British Airways  has also temporarily suspended its flights to Tel Aviv.

Here’s the information in a table :

American AirlinesFlights canceledCanceled flights to and from Tel Aviv until at least December 4, 2023, with ongoing monitoring for adjustments.
Delta Air LinesFlights suspendedFlights to and from Tel Aviv suspended until the end of October; seeking secure alternatives for passengers.
United AirlinesFlights suspendedFlights to and from Tel Aviv remain suspended until conditions allow for resumption.
Air CanadaFlights canceledCanceled several flights to and from Tel Aviv up to Friday.
El Al (Israeli flag carrier)Operating flightsEl Al continues to operate flights.
Air FranceFlights suspendedFlights to Tel Aviv suspended “until further notice.”
British AirwaysFlights temporarily suspendedTemporary suspension of flights to Tel Aviv.

State Department issues Level 3 advisory for travel to Israel


  • Samuel

    I’m Samuel, a passionate traveler and adventurer who is dedicated to sharing my wealth of experiences with others.

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