Time Travel Simulations Can Solve Impossible Problems, Physicists Say

The passage of time typically flows in one unchanging direction for most of us. However, in the realm of theoretical quantum physics, time’s progression is not as rigid. Theoretical physicists have the ability to model, simulate, and even observe the reversal of time, which is an impossibility in the real world.

Note- What’s particularly significant is that scientists have demonstrated how simulations of time travel in reverse can provide solutions to physics problems that are otherwise unsolvable through conventional physics.

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Led by physicist David Arvidsson-Shukur says. from Cambridge University, a team of physicists conducted an experiment that involved manipulating the input state by simulating a backward time loop. This unique approach allowed them to adjust the parameters of a system even after they had already been established.

These time-reversal loop are entirely hypothetical but can be mathematically simulated using quantum teleportation circuits that utilize entangled particles. This approach holds the key to resolving complex problems in physics.

To illustrate this concept, Arvidsson-Shukur offers an analogy: “Imagine you want to send a gift to someone, and to ensure it arrives on day three, you must send it on day one. The challenge arises when you only receive the recipient’s wish list on day two. In a traditional, time-respecting scenario, it’s impossible to predict their desires in advance and send the appropriate gift. However, picture a scenario where you can modify what you sent on day one based on the wish list received on day two. Our simulation employs the manipulation of quantum entanglement to demonstrate how you can retroactively change your prior actions to ensure the desired final outcome.”

Quantum entanglement is a unique state where the properties of two particles become interlinked before measurement. Measuring one particle immediately determines the corresponding state of the other, regardless of the distance separating them.

Researchers have even achieved the ability to affect the properties of one particle and simultaneously observe changes in the other, even when they are widely separated. This phenomenon is known as quantum teleportation.

The team’s research takes advantage of entangled particles not only for information teleportation across physical space but also for sending information backwards through time.

“In our proposal,” explains physicist says physicist Nicole Yunger Halpern from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland, “an experimentalist entangles two particles. The first particle is then used in an experiment. After obtaining new information, the experimentalist manipulates the second particle to effectively alter the past state of the first particle, which in turn changes the outcome of the experiment.”

The nature of this closed time loop doesn’t permit individuals to travel back in time and create paradoxes like killing their own grandfathers. This is due to a condition in probability called postselection, which restricts measures based on predetermined events.

The team does not assert that such time loops exist. Instead, they argue that quantum theory allows for the simulation of these loops, and entanglement can be harnessed as a consequence.

Their calculations indicate that the exploitation of the time loop is successful only 25 percent of the time. Nevertheless, this means that it is testable in a real experiment.

This experiment has not yet been conducted, but it can be scaled up significantly by entangling a vast number of photons, which are quanta of light. These entangled photons can then be used in time-travel simulations to modify their states after they have been directed towards a specialized camera equipped with a filter designed to exclusively detect photons with the updated information.

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The successful detection of these photons would serve as evidence that the simulation has been effective.

“That we require a filter to make our experiment function is, in fact, rather reassuring,” notes Arvidsson-Shukur. “The world would be very strange if our time-travel simulation worked flawlessly every time. Such a scenario would challenge established principles like Relativity and the foundational theories on which our understanding of the Universe is built.

Here’s the provided text in table format:

“We are not proposing the creation of a time travel machine; rather, we are embarking on a deep exploration of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics.”
“These simulations do not grant the ability to revisit and alter the past, but they do provide a means to potentially create a better future by addressing yesterday’s issues today.”


  • Samuel

    I’m Samuel, a passionate traveler and adventurer who is dedicated to sharing my wealth of experiences with others.

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